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A $54 dollar value and FREE SHIPPING! This box collection includes exactly 2000 seeds. 


This box includes all seeds that should be planted between now and 30-60 days before the first day of spring.


We are super excited to introduce our very first Fall/Winter Planting for Cool Climates Box which includes all the things you wish you had planted in fall or winter when spring comes around. Reason being that all of these require a period of cold dormancy so they must be planted in fall or winter and then they emerge in spring (with the exception of the blanket flower, but cold will not harm the seed and can actually improve germination.) 


Nothing worse than discovering that gorgeous flower in spring and realizing that you have to wait all the way until the following fall to plant it. Almost all cool climate perennials require the period of cold dormancy. This is a built in mechanism, in the DNA of the seed that instructs it to wait until a certain amount of time has passed before it germinates. If the seeds germinated immediately, they would perish in winter and die. It is brilliant really and the only reason we have most of the plant life on this planet. 


This can be a gift for a loved one or yourself! Each pack has been carefully selected for USDA Climate Zones 3-9A and each seed can be planted once temperatures drop below around 45 degrees and are expected to stay there. The seeds can be planted in ground or the milk jug method can be used. Just google "milkjug method for seed cold stratification," and you can find a bounty of information on how to winter sow seeds. The packs are placed in a decorative black gift box with the SeedCult logo and each pack has individual instructions.


The pack includes the following 14 seed packs:

Queen of The Prairie - 25 Seeds
Meadowsweet - 50 Seeds
Red Cardinal Flower - 100 Seeds
Orange Butterfly Milkweed - 40 Seeds
Sunshine Yellow Columbine - 20 Seeds
Rainbow Lupine - 50 Seeds
Great Blanket Flower - 200 Seeds
Wild Bleeding Heart - 10 Seeds
Blue Globe Thistle - 20 Seeds
Ohio Spiderwort - 50 Seeds
Drama Queen Poppy - 300 Seeds
Meadow Blazing Star - 100 Seeds
Aubrieta (Purple - White Wall Gem) - 1000 Seeds
White Swan Echinacea - 50 Seeds

All of my seeds are tested and guaranteed.

Fall Sowing Seed Box, Cool Climate, Autumn, Winter, Gift Collection, 14 Individu


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